A Proud Part of Grande Yellowhead Public School Division

Staff Directory


Photo of Paula Murphy

Mrs. Paula Murphy


Phone: 780-865-2628

Photo of Samantha Ritchie

Mme Samantha Ritchie

Assistant Principal

Phone: 780-865-2628

Photo of Gabrielle Lyons

Mme Gabrielle Lyons

Assistant Principal

Phone: 780-865-2628

School Secretary

Photo of Irene Proulx

Mme Irene Proulx


Phone: 780-865-2628

Photo of Buffy Watson

Mrs. Buffy Watson

Student Records Secretary

Phone: 780-865-2628

Specialist Teachers

Photo of Jessica Smeall

Mrs. Jessica Smeall

Music Teacher

Phone: 780-865-2628

placeholder image for Kelsi Wallace

Mrs. Kelsi Wallace

Physical Education Teacher

Phone: 780-865-2628


Photo of Diane Gorner

Mrs. Diane Gorner

Pre-K Teacher

Phone: 780-865-2628

Photo of Samantha Ritchie

Mme Samantha Ritchie

Kindergarten FRIM Teacher

Phone: 780-865-2628

Photo of Robert DeRoche

M. Robert DeRoche

Kindergarten FRIM Teacher

Phone: 780-865-2628

Photo of Jody Danchuk

Mrs. Jody Danchuk

Kindergarten English Teacher

Phone: 780-865-2628

Photo of Trina Amundrud

Mrs. Trina Amundrud

Grade 1/2 English Teacher

Phone: 780-865-2628

Photo of Rachel Hendricks

Mme Rachel Hendricks

Grade 1 FRIM Teacher

Phone: 780-865-2628

Photo of Claudette Moussouami

Mme Claudette Moussouami

Grade 2 FRIM Teacher

Phone: 780-865-2628

Photo of Melinda Haley

Mrs. Melinda Haley

Grade 2 English Teacher

Phone: 780-865-2628

Photo of Rosanne Vriend

Mme Rosanne Vriend

Grade 2-3 FRIM Teacher

Phone: 780-865-2628

Photo of Danyelle Opsteen

Mrs. Danyelle Opsteen

Grade 3 English Teacher

Phone: 780-865-2628

Photo of Stephanie Wiebe

Mrs. Stephanie Wiebe

Grade 3-4 English Teacher

Phone: 780-865-2628

Photo of Melanie Charbonneau

Mme Melanie Charbonneau

Grade 3-4 FRIM Teacher

Phone: 780-865-2628

Photo of Trudy Poon

Ms. Trudy Poon

Grade 4-5 English Teacher

Phone: 780-865-2628

Photo of Gabrielle Lyons

Mme Gabrielle Lyons

Grade 5 FRIM Teacher

Phone: 780-865-2628

Photo of Meghan Callihoo

Mrs. Meghan Callihoo

Grade 5 English Teacher

Phone: 780-865-2628

placeholder image for Catherine Beaupré

Mme Catherine Beaupré

Grade 5 FRIM Teacher

Phone: 780-865-2628

Photo of Kelly MacKay

Mrs. Kelly MacKay

Grade 6 English Teacher

Phone: 780-865-2628

Photo of Maude Corriveau

Mme Maude Corriveau

Grade 6 FRIM Teacher

Phone: 780-865-2628

Photo of Hunter Young

Mme Hunter Young

Grade 7 FRIM Teacher

Phone: 780-865-2628

placeholder image for Jorgen Klein

Mr. Jorgen Klein

Grade 7 English Teacher

Phone: 780-865-2628

Photo of Elaine Bradford

Mrs. Elaine Bradford

Elementary Generalist Teacher

Phone: 780-865-2628

Educational Assistants

Photo of Christiane Demers

Mme Christiane Demers

Librarian/Educational Assistant

Phone: 780-865-2628

Photo of Sherry Groat

Mrs. Sherry Groat

Educational Assistant

Phone: 780-865-2628

Photo of Melody MacLeod

Mrs. Melody MacLeod

Educational Assistant

Phone: 780-865-2628

Photo of Jamie Yakiwchuk

Mrs. Jamie Yakiwchuk

Educational Assistant

Phone: 780-865-2628

placeholder image for Emma Madsen

Mrs. Emma Madsen

Child Care Assistant/EA

Phone: 780-865-2628

placeholder image for Annemarie Kuhlewind

Mrs. Annemarie Kuhlewind

Child Care Assistant

Phone: 780-865-2628

Student Services

Photo of Leanne Weik

Mrs. Leanne Weik

Learning Support Teacher

Phone: 7808652628

placeholder image for Erica Koebel

Erica Koebel

Family School Liaison Counsellor